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About Us

By exploring lncRNA, we can provide solutions to a wide range of unmet clinical needs. Led by Professor Xu Song, a pioneer in lncRNA research, lncTAC Bio has become an inventive company focusing on lncRNA drug development.

lncTAC Bio has fully independent intellectual property rights for lncTAC®,a lncRNA-based chimeric targeting technology, and UNAST® which provide a unique technological platform for developing innovative nucleic acid drugs targeting a wide range of traditionally undruggable targets.

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Core platform technologies
> 10
Research areas
> 20
High-level talents
Therapeutic field
lncTAC Bio aims to develop more than 20 completely innovative products in the therapeutic fields of recurrent cardiovascular disease (hyperlipidemia / hypertension), neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimer's / Parkinson's disease), and tumor (pancreatic / lung / colorectal cancer as well as multiple myeloma).
Technology platform
The technology developed by lncTAC Bio combines lncRNA with the most popular targeting chimera technology, which not only enhances the company's technology platform but also enables us to provide new innovative solutions for unmet clinical needs. Moreover, with the research and development of the UNAST® platform, we provide a solution for the nucleic acid drug instability and delivery difficulties.
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With the research and development of the UNAST® platform, we provide a solution for the nucleic acid drug instability and delivery difficulties.


The lncTAC® platform combines lncRNA with the most popular targeting chimera technology, which greatly enhances the company's technology platform.
About Us
Become the global leading lncRNA drug company
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If we share the same values, we both win

No. 19 Huigu West 1st Road, Shuangliu District, Chengdu City


  • The lncTAC Brand Story

    The lncTAC Brand Story

    The founding members firstly chose the English name "lncTAC" which is an acronym based on our technology platform "lncRNA-based Targeting Chimera."
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Become the global leading lncRNA drug company